Blogs: Week of 24 Jan - 30 Jan
CS371p Spring 2022: Jonathan Randall
What did you do this past week?
I forked and started looking at Collatz. In my Big Data course, my group started and completed an assignment which mostly involved installing HDFS and Spark. Outside of school, I tried to get my cracked phone camera lens fixed; replacing the entire phone ended up being cheaper. Building hardware that’s more expensive to fix than toss out and replace is a bad design decision and is not resource efficient.
What’s in your way?
I am figuring out my sleep schedule. It’s irregular.
What will you do next week?
This upcoming week, I will tackle Collatz.
What did you think of Paper #1: Syllabus?
It’s clear enough. I probably won’t check my grades as obsessively this semester since I graduate in May. Nearing the end of every semester, I typically enter spirals of stress as I try to determine whether I will meet my academic goals. I plan to focus more on the work itself and instructor feedback rather than fretting about percentages, and the new grading system seems compatible with that plan.
What was your experience of assertions and Collatz? (this question will vary, week to week)
Assertions work the same as how I would expect. In SWE, I completed the Collatz project in Python and found it interesting, although not particularly challening. The most difficult aspect of this project will be getting familiar with C++, its syntax and its built-in types.
What made you happy this week?
I watched “Gummo” and “Titane,” two movies I have had on my watchlist for a while.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip-of-the-week would be remote development with SSH in VS Code. Using the file explorer interface is faster for file lookup, opening and editing files (I’m a vim amateur), and moving files than bash commands.